Wednesday, 4 April 2012


Spending this week with Elle and my 'rents, up in Northumberland. So far it's been pretty relaxing, with some wildly varying weather - first day was really sunny and hot, the second was wet, yesterday SNOWED(!), and today's been sunny again, if not freezing cold.

We haven't done a great degree of stuff - spent a couple of days chilling out, went to the Metro Centre yesterday (big shopping centre), and went into a local town today and saw my Nan. It was originally supposed to be Newcastle, but the bus never turned up, so we ended up making the most of a wasted day.

Got lots of stuff yesterday - some jeans and a t-shirt, a few DVDs, and a few games. I almost ended up picking up a Playstation 3, thanks to the bargain prices at Game, but as they've temporarily revoked their 12 month preowned warranty while they sort the administration stuff out, I decided to hold off. Still planning on getting one soon though.

Also (thanks for the thought Paul, and sorry!) I bagged myself a PSP on eBay last week, which arrived this week. PSP, case, memory card and 14 games for under £100 - lots of RPGs included. Picked up 4 other games while I've been up here as well, pretty good haul for not a lot of money. Also bought FF7 and Chrono Cross through the Playstation Network, so I'm looking forward to getting my teeth into those.

You might've guessed from the previous couple of paragraphs that my malaise of last week has pretty much passed, and I'm feeling like my old self again. 11 days on the new meds, and they're finally kicking in, and making me feel that much better. I feel better about life again ^_^

I've been thinking a little in the last few days as well. Life seems to be really samey recently, and it's felt like I've done almost nothing worthwhile for a longtime. Well, more to the point, Life is made up of experiences, and I haven't really been having any. I spend hours gaming, or playing some godawful game to grab the achievement points from it, or watching crap on the TV, and it leaves me feeling unfulfilled.

So I want to try and change that. Spend more time doing things at the weekend with Elle rather than us just relaxing at home. Avoid the godawful games, ignore my gamerscore, and play the ones I want to (case in point, I'm playing Ocarina of Time on the 3DS and thoroughly loving it). Possibly learn a new instrument or something. Make my life feel richer.

It's not the only thing I want to change. While there are a few friends I see pretty often, most of them have drifted away - some are constantly busy with work, some have moved onto other groups, and some...well, we weren't that close to begin with. The ones I can, I want to see more often. But I also want to try and expand my social circle if I can. I've made one or two new friends recently (Jodie, I be looking at you), but I'd like to make a few more.

Time will tell if I'll succeed, but I'd like to at least try.

So, ignore that Xbox gamerscore (and instead play through games I actually want to), make new friends, and make the next few years about more experiences if I can. I think I'll leave it at that for now, it's going to be hard work!

Until next time, ladies and gentlemen!

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