Thursday 16 February 2012

Right? Not always...

Customer Service?

I've found myself browsing this site a lot - Some of the stories seem more than a little farfetched, some are understandable, but the majority I can see happening (and are downright hilarious). If you work in retail, support or any other customer service role, I strongly urge you to check it out!

Wordpress Issues

The issue I mentioned on Tuesday for the local c turned out to be unsolvable by their web host (read: they didn't really want to help), so I gamely trooped in and took a look. Turns out it was related to an older Wordpress plugin, which contained an unwitting exploit. I've included a little info here - if you run a Wordpress site, or have seen this issue on another Wordpress site or blog, you might want to check these issues.

(Current Song:The Majestic Tale (of a Madman in a Box) - Murray Gold (Doctor Who Season 6 OST)

When using Google Chrome to view the site, you may get a warning message advising you that the site contains content from This is a well known malware site.

It's javascript exploit, which means all of the files on the backend of your site that end with ".js" are likely to be infected. For the most part you have two options - do a fresh reinstall of the core Wordpress files, or download and edit the .js files, and reupload the result.

At the end of each of the files is a section of code which starts var_0x80d0= and contains a list of addresses such as x64, x6C and others. Delete this section of code.

Run through the following sites if you see the problem:

And change all passwords on your Wordpress site at the end, just in case.

Once you're done with everything, use the site checker over at It's free, and will allow you to check your site over for any exploits, malware or otherwise.

It's an interesting problem, one that I've never seen before. I love dealing with problems I haven't seen before, they keep me interested.

(Current Song: Nothing can be Explained (Vocal Version) - Shiro Sagisu)

The week!

So, what else? The answer is, not a whole lot work wise. It's been pretty quiet what with half term kicking in, and so I'm looking forward to getting some time off next week.

After taking some time out from longer games (pretty recently I've put stints in to both Lost Odyssey and Mass Effect, both long, long games), I replayed one of my shorter titles to finish it up - Condemned: Criminal Origins.

It's one of the early titles for the 360 (coming out about 5 or 6 years ago now), and was made by the same studio that created F.E.A.R. - you can see the similarities between the two games. It's full of creepy moments, has a good detective story behind it, and plays pretty well, with a half decent melee system (something many games lack). I thoroughly enjoyed the replay (which is more than I can say for it's sequel, Bloodshot, which was pretty terrible, and took everything down a Scifi route). You can probably pick it up pretty cheaply, and it's well worth a look.


Looking forward to the weekend. It's the first one Elle's had free for a while, now that her essay is done, so we get to spend some time together ^_^ plus, going with Elle and Paul to see the new Muppet's film on Saturday night, so it should be fun.

Finally, I'd like to direct you to the first ever Jaw Transplant using a 3D Printer to build the replacement - - It's absolutely fantastic what technology is capable of now. A replacement joint could be custom built to a patient's skeleton, reducing healing time, weight, and time spent in the operation theatre. And although it's a long way off, it's probably not a stretch to imagine replacement organs being built the same way (if the Stem Cell debate is EVER fully settled), meaning less chance of rejection, less people needing to wait (and potentially pass away) for a replacement kidney, heart or other organ, etc.

I'll leave it there for now, I think. Have a good weekend all!

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